1. To live & live in: The purpose of this lesson is to highlight in an interesting way to the students how different life could look like in the past compared to today. The lesson goes through different decades, and compares stories from crewmen on different kinds of ships, in order to highlight that people lived and worked in very different ways, and that today we have technological aids that could only be dreamed of a few decades ago. The common thread that still runs through all the stories is life at sea - after all, certain things are common to life at sea, now as then, and can be contrasted with the land-based life that is the only thing that basically all students know.
With this lesson, which is adapted for elementary school students, we want to strengthen the students' ability to make simple comparisons between life in the past and now, based on stories and descriptions, which is a requirement for acceptable knowledge in social orientation subjects at the end of grade 3.
2. Experiments in the ocean lab: During this lesson, students will first watch cool experiments, then experiment themselves in our ocean lab. The purpose of this lesson is partly for the students to learn about some of the unique properties of the subject of water, and partly to arouse enthusiasm and curiosity in the students for science and experiments.
With this lesson, which is adapted for primary school students, we want to help students achieve the following requirements for acceptable knowledge in nature-oriented subjects after year 3: "The student can [...] give examples of properties of water [...] and relate to own observations.”
3. Marine Litter: The purpose of this lesson is to make students more aware of the environmental consequences of marine litter, and how their everyday decisions affect the environment.
With this lesson, which is adapted for middle school students, we want to help students achieve the following knowledge requirements from the chemistry curriculum: "In simple and to some extent supported reasoning about food, fuels, chemicals and other products, the student can relate to some chemical relationships and sustainable development issues.”
4. Gearing up for peace: The purpose of this lesson is to use the military part of Maritiman's facility as an environment and source of inspiration to let the students take a stand on difficult dilemmas. The focus is not on the students giving a certain answer, but instead the goal is for the students to test their own positions on various issues, and hopefully find that there are good arguments for several positions. The goal is to strengthen the students' ability for ethical reasoning, and for the students to become more open to the fact that other people can, on good grounds, arrive at different answers to various questions than they do themselves, without any of them necessarily being right or wrong.
With this lesson, which is adapted for middle school students, we want to help the students fulfill the following knowledge requirements from the religious studies curriculum: "The student can make simple reasoning about everyday moral issues and what it can mean to do good. The student then makes reflections that mainly belong to the subject and uses some ethical concepts in an essentially functional way."
5. World War III around the corner: The purpose of this lesson is to use the destroyer Småland and the submarine Nordkaparen as a setting to talk about historical parallels with today's security policy situation. Is the world heading into a new cold war? Is it time again to worry about the outbreak of a third world war? During this lesson, we want to give students the opportunity to discuss difficult questions, without right or wrong. Maritiman's pedagogue introduces and leads the discussion.
With this lesson, which is adapted for high school students, we want to help the students fulfill the following knowledge requirements from the curriculum in social studies: "The student can examine social issues from different perspectives and then describe simple connections with simple and to some extent substantiated reasoning. The student values and expresses different positions on some social issues with simple reasoning and to some extent well-founded arguments and can then switch between different perspectives to a certain extent."
6. Language introduction: Did you know that Maritiman also offers language introduction lessons for new arrivals? The purpose of these lessons is to let the students deepen their familiarity with the Swedish language in a fun, engaging and playful way. Our facility acts as a catalyst, where the primary mission is to become familiar with maritime terms, but where the underlying and more important contribution of the facility is to create positive memories for the participants. We also want this lesson to be an opportunity for the students to get to know each other a little better. Our language introduction is aimed at new arrivals of different ages and with different levels of prior knowledge. Get in touch with us and we will tailor the lesson to your group!
Invaluable support
Maritiman's school activities are carried out with support from GREFAB. Together, we make it possible for school classes to come to us on subsidized visits and for us to continue the work of developing the educational museum activities that are particularly aimed at children and young people.