Download our audio guide
Our content-rich audio guide is available to download free of charge for Android and iPhone. The app is invaluable for those with an inquisitive mind, and provides different types of guided tours of our venue.
The app gives you access to three different soundtracks:
- SHIP WALK: The soundtrack is 45 minutes long, and includes 16 different stations. This walk is most fit for adults who wish to learn more about Maritiman's fleet. The walk is availible in English and Swedish.
- FAMILY TOUR: The soundtrack is 20 minutes long, and includes six different stations. This walk is fit for the whole family and introduces our fleet in a playful maner. The walk is availible in English and Swedish.
- VETERAN WALK: For the extra interested, we offer a 70-minute soundtrack, spread over seven different stations. The walk includes excerpts from interviews with veteran crew on board various ships that talk about life at sea. This soundtrack is currently only available in Swedish.
Your smartphone will select the language version based on your phone’s settings. We have free WiFi at the entrance if you’d like to download the app here. Don’t forget to bring your headphones!