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Integrity policy


Integrity policy

Your integrity is important to us, and we want to be transparent in how we handle Your personal data in order for You to feel safe when You share Your personal data with us. In this policy document You will find information regarding how Maritiman (”we”) handle Your personal data.

This is an English translation of Maritiman’s integrity policy. If any text in this document can be interpreted differently than the Swedish original, the interpretation from the Swedish original is always the correct one.

Who is responsible for handling Your personal data?

Stiftelsen Göteborgs Maritima Centrum (org. Nr 855101–7075) is responsible for the personal data that You provide us. If You have any questions, You are always welcome to contact us through an e-mail.

What personal data is collected and for what purposes?

We can collect different personal data about You when You visit our webpages, enroll to a lecture or an event, participate in a competition, reserve a birthday party or other arrangement, or place an order in our webshop.

Examples of personal data we might gather include:

  • Name
  • Contact information, such as address, e-mail address and phone number.
  • Social security number
  • Payment-data
  • User data (for example what webpages You visit/have visited and where on these websites integrity You click/have clicked).
  • IP-address
  • Correspondence with us (i.e. personal data You provide us with during Your contact with us).

Below we state our purposes for collecting personal data and inform about how we handle that data:

Data that is collected to provide You with customer service

We gather and collect personal data that You provide us with when you contact of, through for example e-mail, telephone or through digital channels including social medias. The primary data we collect is the personal data we need to answer Your question or provide You with customer service. Categories of personal data that is handled in these circumstances: Name, social security number, contact information (such as address, e-mail address and phone number), your correspondence, time of purchase, place of purchase, any faults or complaints, health data (such as allergies and other conditions You provide us with). Legal grounds: Consideration of interests. The data is collected and handled in order for us to accommodate Your and our legitimate interest in providing You with customer service.

Data that is collected to handle orders and purchases

When you make a reservation, buy a product in our webshop or order any of our services, such as guided tours and lectures, we gather personal data from You to be able to fulfill Your order, e.g. through handling rescheduling and cancellation, sending out confirmations and communicating around an reservation. Categories of personal data that is handled in these circumstances: Name, social security number, contact information (such as address, e-mail address and phone number), payment history, payment information, information of the purchase (such as what products has been ordered or if the products are to be delivered to another address). Upon making a reservation of an event a person may provide us with personal data of other people in their company. We assume that the provider of these personal data has the consent of everyone whose data is shared. If the reservation includes children, we collect information about the age of the child due to different prices. Legal grounds: Contract. The data is collected and handled in order for us to fulfill our obligations according to the agreement made between us.

Data that is collected to create and administrate ”My Pages”

When You purchase online tickets or products in our webshop You can choose to create a user identity to see your historical purchases. The user identity includes the personal data that You provided to us upon making Your purchase, and are gathered under your personal login, My Pages.

Data that is collected to handle and fulfill participations in competitions and/or events

We collect the participants’ personal data that is required for communication before and after participations in a competition or an event. Categories of personal data that is handled in these circumstances: Name, contact information (such as address, e-mail address and phone number), data shared upon participating in a competition, data left upon evaluating an event. Legal grounds: Legal obligation. The data is collected and handled in order for us to accommodate Your and our legitimate interest in handling Your participation in a competition or an event.

Data that is collected to fulfill our legal obligations

We handle personal data to be able to fulfill our obligations by law, judicial decisions, or decisions from the authorities. Categories of personal data that is handled in these circumstances: Name, social security number, contact information (such as address, e-mail address and phone number), payment history, payment information, your correspondence, time of purchase, place of purchase, any faults or complaints. Legal grounds: Legal obligations. The data is collected and handled in order for us to fulfill our obligations by law.

Data that is collected while You are using our digital services

When You use our webpage, our mobile application, or any other digital service from us we collect data about Your use of the service. We also gather data through targeted customer surveys. We do this in order to further evaluate, develop and improve our services, products and systems. Categories of personal data that is handled in these circumstances: Age, sex, area of residence, correspondence and feedback regarding Your visit, our services and products, sales- and user generated data (e.g. clicks and webpage history), technical data about the units used (e.g. IP-address), information about Your interaction with us, that is how You used the service. Legal grounds: Consideration of interests. The data is collected and handled in order for us to accommodate our and Your legitimate interest in evaluating, developing and improve our offerings, services products and systems.

Data that is collected for marketing purposes

We collect Your personal data to send things such as offerings and information about our lectures, events, activities etc. Categories of personal data that is handled in these circumstances: name, age, sex, contact information (such as address, e-mail address and phone number). Legal grounds: Consideration of interests. The data is collected and handled in order for us to accommodate our legitimate interest of sending You direct marketing regarding our offerings. If You subscribe to our newsletter, we handle Your personal data based on Your previous consent. You have the right to cancel Your consent at any time by sending an e-mail to You can also always deregister from our dispatches.

Who might we share Your personal data with?

Data processors. In those circumstance when it is necessary for us in order to offer our services, we share Your personal data with companies that are so called data processors for us. A data processor is a company that handles information on our behalf and according to our instructions. We have data processors that help us with:

  • Transports (logistics companies and forwarding agents).
  • Payment solutions (companies we have an acquiring agreement within order to accept your payment by credit card, banks and other pay service providers).
  • Marketing (prints and distribution, social medias, advertising agencies and marketing firms).
  • IT-services (companies that handle necessary management, technical support, and maintenance of our IT-solutions).

When Your personal data is shared with data processors, they are only shared for purposes that are compatible with the legal grounds with which we collected Your data (such as fulfilling our obligations according to our agreements with You). We control all data processors to make sure that they can give satisfying guarantees regarding the safety and secrecy of Your personal data.

Companies that are personal data controllers themselves. We also share Your personal data with certain organizations that are personal data controllers themselves. When an organization is a personal data controller that mean that we do not control how the information left to that organization is treated.

The personal data controllers we share Your personal data with are:

  • Governmental authorities (the police, tax agency or other authorities) if we are obliged to do so by law or if there is an ongoing investigation regarding a possible crime.
  • Companies that handle public logistics (logistic companies and forwarding agents).
  • Payment solutions (companies we have an acquiring agreement within order to accept your payment by credit card, banks and other pay service providers).

When Your personal data is shared with an organization that are personal data controllers their integrity policy and treatment of personal data is applied.


We do not store Your personal data longer than what is necessary for our different legal grounds. In certain cases, we store the data for as long as the law demands us to do so, for example 7 years in order for us to fulfill our obligations regarding accounting legislations. We regularly evaluate how we handle Your personal data. We might for example delete Your data if You have not been in contact with us for long.

Your rights

  • You have the right to receive information regarding that treatment of personal data we perform.
  • You have the right to once a year ask for an extract from our registers where You can see what personal data we have about You and how we treat it.
  • You have the right to ask for a correction if we have any wrong information regarding You.
  • In certain circumstances You have the right to have Your personal data deleted from our registers:
  • The data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • If the data was collected through Your consent and You cancel that consent.
  • If Your data is collected and stored through a consideration of interests and Your interest in having them deleted outweigh all interests in their continued storage and treatment.
  • If the personal data has been handled illegally in any way.
  • If you object against treatment for direct marketing purposes.
  • Any rights to have Your data deleted is not valid if we are obliged by law to keep the data.
  • You have the rights of data portability (the right to have Your personal data moved) if the legal ground for handling the data is consent or agreement and the data You can receive is data about You, that You have given away Yourself or that has been generated by Your actions or activities.
  • You have the right to request a limitation of our treatment of Your personal data. This request can however be declined if we need to handle the data in a certain way for our product or service to work.
  • You have the right to complain against a certain treatment of Your personal data, and while that complaint is investigated, we will seize the treatment.
  • You have the right to forward a complaint regarding our treatment of Your personal data to the authority supervising us.

How do we use cookies and how can you affect the use of cookies yourself?

Cookies are small files consisting of letters and numbers that are sent from our webserver and saved on your browser or digital unit. On our webpages cookies are used to give You as a user access to personal settings for next time You visit us from the same browser. We also register general visit statistics. No statistics can be tracked to a specific user. Sometimes it is also used to offer visitors targeted ads. Third party suppliers use cookies to show ads based on Your visit on this and other webpages. If You do not want to allow cookies, You can turn them off on Your browser. Read more about this on Your browser help-pages.

Please observe that we only use cookies to simplify Your visit on our webpage. If You choose to disable cookies, we cannot guarantee the full service that we strive to offer.

How are Your personal data protected?

We use IT-systems to protect the secrecy, integrity and accessibility of personal data. We have taken specific security measure to protect Your personal data against illicit or unauthorized treatments (such as unauthorized access, lose, destruction or damage). Only the individuals who actually need to treat Your personal data for us to fulfill the targets stated above have access to the data.

Complaints and supervision

If You have any complaints regarding or storage or treatment of Your personal data You have the right to press Your complaints to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY), who supervises treatments of personal data.

Contact us

For further information about our storage and treatment of personal data, or if You have any questions, You are welcome to contact us by sending us an e-mail or calling us at +46 31 10 59 50.

Changes to this integrity policy

We might make changes in our integrity policy. The latest version of the integrity policy is published at our webpage. When we make updates that are of considerable interest for our treatment of personal data, we will inform of this on our webpage and/or through e-mail.