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Maritiman Göteborg


Swedish Military Heritage

SMHA - Swedish Military Heritage

Maritiman is a proud member of SMHA - Swedish Military Heritage, a network of 27 state and state-supported museums. The National Swedish Museums of Military History and Swedish National Maritime Museums lead and support the common network. The museums are located through Sweden, and most deal with Sweden’s defence during the Cold War. A small number focus on earlier history. Helene Rånlund is Director General of SMHA.


In Gothenburg there are two facilities that receive state support from Swedish Military Heritage: Maritiman and Aeroseum. At Maritiman, the destroyer Småland and the submarine Nordkaparen are the focus of national interest, while Aeroseum exhibits the Swedish Air Force’s globally unique underground hangars. The Swedish Military Heritage website features more information about Sweden’s military history attractions, activities that are being organised around the country and more about the Cold War.